Monday, December 23, 2013


对 我喜欢跟你说话
我喜欢跟你说话的感觉 那种很舒服 很轻松自在的感觉
我喜欢跟你说话的我 那个很自己的我 无需隐藏自己的我
可是不知道为什么 我们开始不说话
很多时候 真的有一股冲动想找你 
很多话 别人不能听的话 你可以
很多想说的话 废话 气话 什么话 想告诉你
我们 可不可以 可不可以

今年圣诞 我们说说话 好吗 ? : )

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Day out with melons

Blogging mood is back so I'm here again lol. I have a bunch of good friends which I named them "melons". There's a story behind this name but then I don't think anyone who is reading this wanna know lol. Had a day out with them today, or to be exact it was yesterday cause it's 12am plus now. okay whatever. Most of us are having our mid-sem break, and today is the last day of the holiday sobsss. Planned an last outing before everyone is back to their respective uni, which some are very far awayyy. It was a simple day out, eat eat eat, chat chat chat, take photossssssss, the old same routine but still we enjoyed it hahaha. We took lots of photos, lotssss, but I'm posting few of them here. Photos credit to the guys :)
Can't wait for everyone to come back next year and have our real reunion (:

Ginny & Sinyin

Played around in some random shops.


Minghui and Kok


Us again.

Group photo of the day. Lost focus for ppl behind hahhah.

Photo of the day according to this guy. 

I cherish every moment I spent w them. Melons are the people I appreciate the most other than Chickies. Seriously thank God for sending these people around me, I feel so thankful for that. 
他们陪我走过我曾经崩溃其中的中六,我从来没有后悔认识过他们,也庆幸自己当初主动去认识他们。如今我们也各自朝自己的目标前进,真心的祝福你们,如果你们有机会看见的话。谢谢你们,我爱你们,真的很爱 。

Saturday, November 9, 2013


有些话 说不出口
有些话 找不到出口说
想了很久 在这个被荒废的平台 应该还可以悄悄地说
是你吗 ? 你有在看吗 ?
过了多久 又过了多少次 我也说不清楚
我们又怎么了 你们又怎么了
为什么 我不知道 问你为什么 你也不知道
为什么我们常常这样 有太多的为什么没有答案
而事实上 有没有 只有我自己知道 还有你 你觉得呢 ?
我从来不去解释 反正再多的解释 换来的只是更多的误解
我很珍惜我所拥有的一切 包括你 
又或者 大家觉得我其实根本不在乎 
我知道你所做的一切 我都知道
我知道我还不了 我怎么做都还不了
我知道我很不好 在别人眼里我的确不好
我知道我很坏 在别人口中的我很坏
我知道我很自私 在别人心里的我很自私
我的不好 我的坏 我的自私 我自己都知道
因为除了对不起 还有谢谢 更多的对不起 和谢谢 
我当然会想念 那些日子 有个虽然不是很懂但总是在倾听的人 
只是 我也不该再这样自私下去
现在这样 如果对你真的比较好 那就这样吧
有些话 多说多错 不说 好像更错
不要问我为什么 也无需再问为什么
就这样吧 给我最亲爱的美美

Friday, July 12, 2013


Hello people. 4 months since I last blogged. Let me summarize what I did in the past few months. Basically I'm just working and working. And some outings with loves :)

Went to MCKL's IR Night with my babies. 

My loves.

She never fail to make me laugh whenever we meet or even chat online or thru phone.

Sinyin's birthday celebration at Delicious, One Utama. When gwyomi was still trending LOL,

I went on a trip to Taiwan for 10 days with my beloved cousie. That was the second time I went to Taiwan and it was a free and easy trip. Enjoyed much but it was tiring as well. Quite a good experience for both of us I guess and I'm looking forward to more trips like this ! 

I'm lazy to post the photos out so these few will do hahah. There are some photos about food that I wanted to share out but I'm lazy at the moment so yeahh. Will try to blog about it :D

Minli's birthday celebration at The Red Bean Bag, Publika.

Met up with my Baby Ler after 3 months. 

I finally had my hair cut. Cut my hair into medium hair length cause I'm too tired of my long hair. And I've finally decided to keep my fringe long, let it growwww.

Joyi & Munkuen 's birthday celebration at Three Little Pigs & The Big Bad Wolf, Bangsar Village. 

My chickies family <3 font="">

We were doing a 30 continuous shots, fun moments tho :')
*photos credits to Janice.

Hmm, I'll start my uni on September. I got offer from the uni I want and I seriously feel very happy for that. At the same time I do really thank God for giving me such a great chance , I feel so lucky to get this offer! *tears of joy* Can't wait for uni life after working for 7 months, 2 more months to go. Will stop working on the mid of August to give myself a half month break before the tough life starts again. Planning to go for another short trip before uni, hopefully I can make it :) Guess that's all for this post, will try to blog more. Till then, byee.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Malacca one day trip 100313

Aloha ! Well, I know it has been almost two months since I went Malacca and update my blog, anyway I'm gonna blog about it now :D A short one it is hehe. Went with the gang, 10 of us, by taking public transport. Nothing much to talk about, overall it was fun despite that we lost our way while searching for satay celup and almost late for the return bus. So, let the photos do the talking, no photo of any food we've eaten cause I think it's the same food we eat everytime we go there, durian puff, satay celup, chicken rice balls, nadeje millicrepe , aren't they ? Lol.  

The moment we reached. Almost 10.30am in the morning. 

First group photo. 
More to come as we took photo in every places like we've never been to malacca before hahaha.

The ladies.

The gentlemen.

Pattern pattern sikit. 

Took again after we walked out from Jonker Street. 



Hmm, there were more photos but I'm too lazy to upload them all, just the group photos will do :) 
Even though this was not the first time that I go to Malacca, still I had fun with them, I LOVE THEM mwahs mwahs mwahs LOL 
Looking forward to our next trip, still planning, I can't wait :D 
Till then, byebye! 

Sunday, March 10, 2013


现在的我真的很想睡可是很犯贱的不去睡 昨天早上五点才合上眼睛今天一整个人累透了 明天一早还要去马六甲呢 真有点小兴奋第一次跟他们出去玩 好啦我现在真的有点无聊才会上来废话几句 假期进入第三个月 工作也进入第三个月 可是我忍不住我辞职了 工作内容很简单不过真的太沉闷了 每天早起塞车上班等午餐等下班 一成不变的生活让我快吐了 决定找份新工作来打发剩下的几个月 哦对了成绩真的快放榜了我的天啊 我真的不敢面对自己的成绩 根本不敢想象自己会拿到什么样的成绩 然后说真的 我真的很期待要上大学 我喜欢读书的日子我只是不喜欢考试 虽然听说大学压力会很大可是比起现在我真的很想摆脱现在的日子 感觉就像在庸庸碌碌的过 一点目标也没有 目前最大的愿望大概是可是得到自己想要的科系那就真的是谢天谢地了 好了我的废话也还真多 明天还得早起我也该睡了 对了 我真的挺想念我那两个好姐妹 晚安

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Happy new year !

Hello , Happy New Year everyone ! Hope I'm not too late since it's just the 5th day of the year :P It has been few weeks since I last update my blog. I'm so lazy to blog, so lazy to think of what to blog about cause my life ain't that interesting hahahaha.
I've already started to work two weeks ago :D Too desperate for money because I'm so broke right nowwww. Working part time in a company as office girl I consider it as, easy job scope but boring life. Luckily I have two good friends of mine to accompany me, at least we can talk during that one hour lunch break lolol. My colleagues are all friendly and funny people, and I'm currently still blur about the company's details like Idk who's the boss LOL! damn fail rightt. Anyway, just a short update about my recent life. 

Talking about new year, I went DPC to countdown again. But too bad this year wasn't as fun as last year's one, we all were standing like some stones listening to the band's performance, takde rasa at all ahhh! Until the last minute only we started to get high. Another year passed, time flies super duper fast. Can't believe I'm finally done with my STPM life, and I was thinking about my lower six life and I realized oh my it was two years ago. I feel so old right now hahahahah. New year resolutions ? hmm I'm still thinking about it. Feeling no life sometimes because I don't have a goal ever since STPM ended. Kind of lifeless I feel.

Anyway, it's a whole new year, I hope for a better 365 days, more happiness, more laughters, more time to spend with the precious ones :)

01012013 :')