Friday, November 26, 2010


SPM started few days ago, everybody knows lol.
Here is a short update during spm haha.

my 'pencil case' during exam,
i added one cute giraffe sticker to make it look cute hahaa :p

First day of spm.
After BM paper 1, we had like 4 hours break.
I didnt go home, I went Dominos with him :)

Ms Lee Wei Sheng ahaha :p

rajinnya ;p

noob face hahaa.

I didnt take any photo of mine because I look really noob during exam hahaa.
After dominos, we went Mcd and bought one big set of meal hahaa ;p
hmm, nothing much to talk about spm.
sejarah paper shocked us when we turn on the paper hahaa.
Is siiva going to stop teaching ? hahaa :p
7 more papers to go.
ok la, gonna study now, having maths, moral, add maths and physics next week.
byebye :))

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Friends :)

Super like this photo I dont know why :)
3 of us will be happy like this even after 10 years 20 years 100 years,
right ? say yes :D

Friendship multiples the good of life and divides the evil :')
cause I'm your friend forever dont forget :*
I love you, my friends

Friday, November 5, 2010

copy paste :p

Saw it from keet yee's blog, and I like it too haha :p

I want you to hug me from behind, unexpectedly. I want you to give me your hoodie when I’m cold. I want you to hold me and keep me warm. I want you to cuddle with me and watch movies. I want you to kiss me in the rain. I want you hold my hands and play with my fingers. I want you play with my hair. I want you to take amazing photos with me. I want you to come to my house and meet my family. I want you to lay in my bed with me and just hold me. I want you to let me dress you up and make you look silly. I want you to tell your friends everyday how much you love me. I want you to write me songs and poems. I want you to watch the sunrise with me. I want you to give me piggy back rides daily. I want you to kiss my nose. I want you to wipe my tears away. I want you to swim in the ocean with me. I want you to tell me you miss me. I want you to drop everything and hug me tight. I want you to take pictures of us. I want you to take me on a picnic. I want you to snuggle with me in the movie theaters. I want you to squeeze me as hard as you can when you hug me. I want you to smile ever single time you see me. I want you to know how much I love you. I just, want you.