Saturday, February 26, 2011

It's 12.30am

*All these photos are from tumblr.

It's 12.30am right now and I'm unhappy. 
I'm not blind, I can see all these things.
I can feel all these things.
Do YOU know I feel sad when I saw that ?
Do YOU know I feel sad when this happen again ?

I love you ♥

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


很喜欢这张照片不知道为什么 :)

我知道现在才说我的中学生涯实在是有点晚了,早已毕业和庸庸碌碌过了一两个月,要不是成绩公布的日子越来越近,我也不会突然想写写我的中学生涯。人生的过程嘛,总是要留下些回忆:) 该从何说起呢?中学时期的我成绩普普,在学校也不怎么出众,老师也不怎么记得我,这件事在我上了中五才那么觉得的,我有那么的不起眼哦?哈。虽然老师不怎么记得我,但至少证明我是好学生 :p 学校的活动我不常参与,没兴趣懒惰随便啦。操场上你绝对不会看见我,我是运动白痴,跑个一两圈就快死掉了,每年的越野赛跑总是跑了个两分钟就放弃了,难得在最后一年下定决心要努力跑,拿个奖牌,结果还是差了那么一点,就那么一点,好遗憾 :( 中一的我混得还不错,中二是我过得最没有记忆的一年我不知道为什么,总是把中二中三的记忆重叠,哈哈。中三因为参加学记队在学校的生活营决定要加入学记队,傻傻的写信报名,结果就这样被录取了。正式成为学记后,原本希望有一番作为,办属于自己的营,结果因为h1n1的来袭办不成了,原本希望在培训营的时候能让学哥学姐对我留下那么一点印象,结果应该是我长得不怎么样,就没被记得了。原本希望可以在属于我们自己的培训营里让学弟学妹记得我,结果培训营跟我报名了的生活营撞期,我也没去成,搞得现在不只学哥学姐不认得有我这个学妹,学弟学妹不知道有我这个学姐,就连有些同届也不知道我是学记,天啊我好难过。中四的时候加入啦啦队,原本也是希望能有些成绩,结果我的同伴受伤,比赛当天做不了原本要做的动作,被换了位置和一些动作,好可惜。学术上,比较能够让我引以为傲的只有华文了吧,结果在最后一年华文作文比赛当天我不知道身上哪根筋大条了,写得一塌糊涂,与奖无缘,遗憾 :( 这些听起来好像我中学生涯都充满遗憾哈哈,没有啦。说些开心的事。中五受到朋友的影响,学会了打排球,虽然打得不怎么样,可是让我觉得好开心,我终于有会打的球了LOLOL。这五年来,除了中二活得没记忆之外,其余的都过得很充实,虽然有些日子过得起起伏伏,但这都是最美好的回忆。我说了,我中学成绩普普,比起小学真是比上不足,比下有余哈。我不在乎别人觉得我读书读得怎样,我满足,就够了 :) 还有还有,我想很多人的中学生涯都少不了一些些的情情爱爱吧 :p 我是例外,哈哈,如果你相信 :P 只是我不怎么想提,不提不代表是不开心的回忆哦,我很开心 :D 最重要的是,我有一班情同姐妹情同兄弟情同手足的好朋友好姐妹好兄弟 :') 因为有他们,我才过了这么多年不一样的生日,因为有他们,我知道至少他们记得我,因为有他们,我的中学生涯才有那么多的起起伏伏 :p 虽然这一篇感觉上像是离题了,但这都是我最最最真实的感受 :)  

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day out with the monkey ♥

Dating with Mr Sheng yesterday at KL :) We reached there around 11pm. After parking, we went to buy movie tickets at Pavilion. Watched No Strings Attached. Quite ok la :) 

You know what, our date is always full of food. hahaha. Went kfc after buying tickets because he hasn't had his breakfast yet.
Mr Sheng  

We went Sushi Tei after movie.

Me lol.

the monkey hahaha.
Since we were not hungry, we ordered few things to eat only.

My salmon ikura don.

His unagi kabayaki.

Photo taken on the roadside. 
Look whats on my hand ? Chatime LOL.
We went to buy chatime before we leave Pavilion.
Mine was green tea latte and his was brown rice green tea if I didn't mistaken.
Both of us couldn't finish it because it taste so not good :X

Headed to Sg.Wang after that and simply lepak around. Bought hair bands again :p Lowyat Plaza after that. We wanted to do some survey on camera but too bad the camera we want no stock at all :(( Nvm, next time :). Went Old Town, see, food again hahaha. Had some snack there before we left. 

Photo taken when we left. Ignore my ugly face lol.
We were tired because both of us slept late the night before just because of dream high LOL.
Tired but happy day :D 

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Hello :D So yesterday we went to dpc and we actually planned to meet up Pearly.
But but but, failed :( Because she had work and we needed to leave earlier.
So we ended up having our own gathering, and photo shooting session LOL.
Nothing much to talk about, look at the beautiful-funny-cute-or-anything-la-pictures.

The girls, Huiyee Joyi, me, Jiexi & Qinyi

Mr Sheng, the photographer of the day hahhaa.

Posing around.

Happy Valentine's Day LOL.

Happy Bunny Year ! hahaha.

Mr Sheng found this and we played with it :p

Went 32f to eat ice after Joyi left.
Huiyee and MrSheng left after that too.
Qinyi & I started to play with the camera and Jx was busy playing games lol.

Look at these two lesbo.

Qinyi the siaos.

The lesbo again. Polluted my camera lol.

My beloved JX

Huiyee's rocker pose LOL

I dont know why the lesbo laughed so happy, but this photo is funny hahaha.

Ok la, nothing much to talk about. More photos on facebook.
Next post coming soon :) byebye :D

Friday, February 18, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Taiwan trip day 5 , 6 & 7

The 5th day.

some random photos taken when we stopped for toilet lol.
it's nice btw.

the train's head.

Went to ranch after that.
Feel so fresh there :)

Their natural milk ice cream 
Nice !

Cheese cake, awesome !
Stayed there for half an hour I think.
Bought few things there too.

Taroko National Park.
Windy & cold there.

Family photo.

长春祠 over there, we walked there.

Went some shops which promote their products which are extremely expensive lol.
The tour guide brought us to the beach, nice view but full of stones on the beach.
Went to watch the aboriginal's dance show after that.
Didn't take any photo and some shits happened on me, not gonna mention here.
Back to hotel earlier that day, cause we needa wake up early the next day.

The 6th day, back to TaiPei.

肉羹,we ate this while wait for the bus.
quite nice.

Taipei 101. 

nothing to shop there, cause it's like another Suria KLCC, sooo exp lol.

Mr.J Italian Restaurant.
Jay Chou's restaurant, no Jay Chou hahaha.

Thats Grace, and me. 
She wasn't taking photo with me, thats cameraman prob. haha.

Salad, okok la.

Soup, eww.

My Cheese Bacon Spaghetti, still ok.
but the others' one suck, too salty.

naicha, ok laa.

dessert, milk pudding.
overall the environment was good, but food suck.

I couldn't where is this, I suck.
I'm old :o

The soldiers were exchanging their duty.
their movement were soooo clean and tidy, and FUNNY hahaha.

Group photo again.

WuFenPu ! Shopping heaven :p
We decided to spend more time here and we didn't go ShiLin night market.
We were worrying about it will be like FengChia haha.

shop shop shop :p
After WuFenPu, we went XiMenDing.

Picture grabbed from google LOL.
I forgot to bring my camera out and left it in the hotel , I suck again.
Not as crowded as FengChia, normal. Good :p

The 7th day, last day.


didn't walk in to see, I'm lazy and sleepy that morning.

our bus, the most ang bus I ever seen lol.

We took bullet train to Taoyuan for lunch.
And after lunch, time to go airport, time to say byebye :(

boarding pass. 
Didn't take any photo after that, and flew back to M'sia.
There goes my Taiwan trip, I enjoyed :)