Thursday, May 19, 2011


这件事发生后,梁静茹对我说分手快乐,可是分手明明一点都不快乐,还有,她怎么唱成‘你可以找到更好的’,事实应该是你找不到比我更好的,就好像我也找不到了,好难过。范范告诉我,应该再也找不到任何人像你对我那么好,我想也对啦,更难过。还有,我们都没听农夫在伟大航道里的话,我想我们都互相伤害了对方一些些吧,好吧,扯平。陶子姐告诉我,你一定是疯了,我这么好耶,你怎么会不要我,对,你一定是疯了,疯子。说了这么多,我主要想说的是我其实很难过。我不想伪装我没事,伪装我到底有多快乐多开心,那样让我觉得自己好假。我想诚实地面对自己的感觉,我好伤心好难过,好痛。你怎么可以这样说放手就放手?离婚协议也需要双方签名才算成立,我都还没答应你说要放手你就狠狠的把我的手甩开,这样公平吗?一点都不。你知道吗,当你一字一句的把你的感觉告诉我,告诉我你有多辛苦,我不停地发抖,呼吸变得急促,连回复你的短短几句都花了比平时更长的时间。我知道你也不好过,我想在这种情况下,没有人会好过吧。眼泪流了又流,干了又干,我知道挽留不了你,除了放手我不知道还有什么我可以做的。你知不知道,没有了你,我要改变多少?你知不知道,没有你,我要费多大的力气才能哄自己入睡?你知不知道,在哄自己入睡之后,我要费多大的力气把自己从睡梦中逼醒,然后再不断提醒自己已经没有你?你知不知道,我每天一张开眼睛,要费多大的精力说服自己已经失去你的事实?你知不知道,当你说我们不应该再见的时候,我花了了多少力气劝自己不要再抱着任何希望?你知不知道,每当看见你的任何事,我的心跳总是突然的暂停?你知不知道,当你说你不再爱我的时候,我费了多久让自己接受现实?你知不知道,每当我这个电子白痴不知道怎么搞定自己的东西的时候,我要多费力气自己寻求解答,而不再是一通电话就能解决问题?你知不知道,我已经渐渐变得不习惯生活了?你知不知道,我挣扎了多久才把你从脸书删除?你知不知道,我一点都不想把你删除,可是你在推特里的一字一句让我觉得你已经不想再跟我有任何交集,任何关系了。你知不知道,我已经不敢再抱着任何的希望了,我害怕当我的希望升到最顶点的时候,我又从山顶上狠狠地摔下来。你知不知道,我每天要找多少事情来做,跟多少朋友开大大的玩笑,才能够暂时让我不去想你?你知不知道,只有像我这样的傻瓜才会为了一个已经不爱自己的人做自己从来没做过的事?你知不知道,我忍了多久,才在K房里崩溃?你知不知道,我不知道自己到底会这样不开心下去多久?你知不知道,人人都叫我放下,展开自己的新生活,我总是听了,说好了,然后又重蹈覆辙?你知不知道,我极有可能自己独自一个人过完我的中六生涯?你知不知道,你所说的每一字一句,每个承诺,我找不到适当的位置把它们藏起来?你知不知道,在打这一片东西的时候,我的眼泪掉了多少?你知不知道,我告诉你这些事,不是为了什么,只是让你知道,你有多么重要。你知不知道,我每天不断催眠自己,就是为了让自己坚持走下去。还有好多好多事,我都还没告诉你,我已经失去这个机会了。我希望,在接下来的这段日子,我们都可以过得快乐,即使不再见面,我也希望你好好的。因为,我也会好好的。你知道吗亲爱的,我真的很爱很爱你,很爱很爱 :) 

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Asian Music Festival 2011

Hello people ! For your information, I went Asian Music Festival 2011 last saturday at MIECC.
It was fun and some singers are just too awesome :D 
That was my first time watching a concert for 10 hours :o
I got the ticket for free cause my cousin got it cause my aunt got it bla bla bla I'm lazy to talk about it and nobody wants to know too LOL.
Anyway, thanks cousin for giving me one of the ticket & thanks uncle and aunt for fetching us :)
The 2nd babe, Keet Yee aka yein's wifey, me, Mr sheng aka the boyf, and Han Xing aka the serious look crazy friend of yein went for the concert :)
Let the photos do the talking now, photos credit to Keet Yee :)

Keet Yee, Me, Yein & Han Xing

We got the idk-what-it-call thing to show our support to the singers we like.

Mr sheng :)

We were given the tag so that we can go in and out of the convention centre since the concert held for  10 hours long. Actually more than that :P

That was the starting of the concert, some unknown singers were singing :P
We took that chance to walk around and took some photos hahah.

24 Herbs from Hong Kong

Suki from Malaysia. 
Never know that she sings so well, she is AWESOME :)

Namcha from Thailand, quite pretty la hahaha.

Olivia Ong from Singapore.
Her voice melts everyone on the concert aww.

DJ Sam from Hong Kong. 

Paul from Beyond, from Hong Kong too.

se7en from Korea.
He is cute :D

FAMA !!!!
I guess I'm in love with them :P

They are so cute ! 

Put your hands up yo !

Tiger Huang from Taiwan. 
She is seriously way too awesome.
everyone get high when she came out woots.

Manhand from Malaysia.

A Du from Singapore.

Jess Lee from Malaysia.
Strong lungs she has, super fantastic voice.

张芸京 from Taiwan.

Lollipop F from Taiwan.

We sat down and rest when we felt tired.
And also when we were waiting for our fav singers to come out lol.
So mean la us :P

Edison Chen from Hong Kong.
He was the last singer to come out, 'big card' enough, you get what I mean ? :P
After watching his performance for a while we decided to leave as it was 1am plus dy.
Overall the concert was quite good, as it's free what HAHA. 
But I'd enjoyed a lot :)

Didnt post all the photos of the singers on this post, these are just part of it as I'm lazy and I'm sleepy.
I have school tomorrow and I'm still blogging :P
Ok la, time to go. Hope you guys enjoy reading my blog :)
byebye :D