Headed to dpc right after our dinner, and we couldn’t find parking haha. So, we parked at joyi’s relatives house and huiyee’s house, smart us :p After half an hour for leading friends to parking, go toilet and bla bla bla, finally we could walk to the big parking area near lakeside and had a look on the stalls. Bought one evil thorn with qinyi as we wanted it for one year LOL. We wanted to buy last year but too bad no stock because we were late. After that, we went 32f to have ice, err, I don’t know what it call, forgotten, something like ice kacang but no kacang la LOL. Haha, after chilling at there, and waited for pearly and chin to meet us up, we went to the stage and got ourselves high. SUPER HIGH :DD When it came to the last minute of 2010, we felt so nervous hahaa. ’10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!’ we were shouting and hugging each other. 2 minutes later, I burst into tears. Because of huiyee la! Ish. I cried madly and this made huiyee and qinyi cried too hahaa. I just feel so sad because we cant meet each other that often dy :’( I hugged them for so many times :’) The fire crackers last for 10 minutes if I didn’t mistaken, I wasn’t concentrating on it lol. Took photo with all of them before I leave and meet up with mum at maybank. That’s it for my new year eve & new year J simple yet happy.
去年昨天,我哭了。惠仪和欣倚也是,哭惨了。我真的舍不得,真的真的很舍不得 L 2010 年,虽然我们的友情面临考验,我们还是熬了过去。这一年,我们有笑有泪,高兴一起大声乱乱笑,伤心抱在一起大哭。以后,我们不能像以前那样,每天见面,每天吵架,每天讲是非了,也不可以乱拍照了。最难过时每次你们讲:‘以后拍照没有人挡在前面了’,哇老,眼泪不能停了。五年的中学生涯,就这样结束了。可是,我们的友情与回忆,是不会结束的。它们只会越来越深,越来越多 J 我爱你们 <3
明天,你要走了,走3个月罢了啦虽然哈哈。我知道你舍不得我,哈哈。我有少少舍不得你酱咯 :p 好了,我要严肃一点。美美,你是我的好朋友,你对我来说很重要,真的 J 每当我有什么事,找你说话,总是比较舒服些。你有时很可怜,莫名其妙被我打,虽然我真的是故意的。你对我很好,我不知道要怎样报答你,虽然我知道你不会要求我的回报哈哈 :p 其实我不知道要说什么,还是说我想说的无法用言语表达?哈哈。明天你要走了,3个月后我们再见,希望你不要把我这个朋友忘了 J 保重,吃肥一点啦你,比我还瘦。我会想念你的 J
The boyf, I miss you
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